Account Types
Account Types
There are many types of accounts that you may have active on the platform. Forex and Futures accounts are always separate accounts. In addition, each account is classified into a category based on it's purpose. One example is Primary, for those who are trading real dollar accounts. There are other possible accounts such as a Simulator account for practice trading with simulated funds.
The Account details are shown for each in the Accounts widget. You can see the Balance, Margin Available, Margin Used, P/L (Profit and Loss), and Open P/L. Each other individual widget can display details relevant for that widget, for the selected account.
Futures and Forex
Futures and Forex accounts should be familiar to traders. Futures accounts exist to trade futures contracts for various assets such as energies, metals, and agricultural commodities. Forex accounts exist to trade one currency for another (Forex is short for Foreign Exchange).
Account Balance
If you are on a simulated demo account and you run out your account balance and need it to be reset, you may request this from support by emailing [email protected].
Change Account Type
Your account is selected in each individual widget. There is no need to select an account in general. This way, you are allowed to widgets operating for more than one account at a time. For instance, you may have one Position widget displaying your Forex positions, and another Position widget displaying your Futures positions.
Updated about 1 month ago