Customize the Layout
The layout may be customized to any pattern you like. You may add or remove any widgets, including duplicating widgets, and resizing/moving them.
All widgets can display their own accounts/symbols, so you can track many things at a time.
You may save and load layouts in the Layouts menu, including the default layout.
To learn about how to manage your layout, take a look at the sub-headers in this section.
Add, Remove, Resize and Move
Add Widget
To add a widget, first open the Widgets menu by clicking the Widgets icon at the top of the platform. Once the Widget menu is open, you can click on any widget you want to add to your layout. This new widget will be placed at the bottom of layout. From here you can move it to where you would like.
Once you have added whatever widgets you like, click on either the Widgets menu icon, or on the X at the top of the Widgets menu. This will close the Widgets menu, keeping your additions.
Close Widget
Closing widgets is a simple as clicking the X in its top right corner.
Resize Widget
Resizing a widget is done in the typical manner. Simply click and drag the bottom right corner of a widget. This will make the widget appear red until you release. As you resize a widget, others will shift to accomodate its new size.
Moving a Widget
To move a widget, click and drag the top bar of the widget, releasing the drag where you want the widget. As you move a widget, you will see a red box to indicate where the box will end up once you release the drag and drop. Other widgets will adjust around the one your are moving.
Linking and Custom Layout
Widget Linking
You can link widgets together in the layout. To do this, just drag and drop the chain-link icon from the top right corner of a widget, releasing it in another widget. You can link widgets where an asset may be selected.
Linking will cause the second widget to display the asset from the first widget. The widgets that can link are Chart, Reconstructed Tape, Time and Sales, and Depth & Sales.
Custom Layout
The platform can be customized into any layout that the users chooses. Customizing can involve any mix of adding/removing widgets, as well as moving and resizing them.
Click the Layouts icon at the top of the platform if you want to load or save a layout. There is always an icon at the top of the Layouts menu to load the
Default Layout.
Under this, there is a bundle for each saved layout. There is a horizontal line with the name of the layout on it. By default, this name is the date that the layout was made. Below the horizontal line with the name, there is a set of three icons. The first is a rectangle connected to 4 squares. Click this button to load that layout. Beside this is a
pencil icon to let you rename this layout. Last, there is a
trashcan icon to let you delete that layout.
Widgets and Layouts from Finamark Systems on Vimeo.
Updated 28 days ago