Frequently Asked Questions
How do I place an order?
First open an Order Ticket.
There are two ways to do this. The typical way is to click the Order icon at the top of the platform to open a blank Order Ticket. The other way is to click on one of the blue Buy buttons or red Sell buttons that appear on many widgets such as the Chart. From there you can fill in the details of the order (such as asset, quantity, price, and flags) and then confirm it.
For more information on Orders, check out the Order sections, under Simple View and Advanced View.
How do I cancel a working order?
To cancel a working order, go to the Orders widget. Click the tab Working Orders, to display those orders. You will see a listing for every working order that has not been filled. Find the one you want to cancel and click the red X inside a red circle, on the right edge of the listing. This will close the position. You may also close these working orders when they appear on the Chart by clicking the X on the tag for the trade, on the right side of the price chart.
What are order flags and how do I select them?
Order flags let you set how long the order is valid for. The typical two choices even appear on widgets such as the chart, and they are Day and GTC. You can click these on the chart to make them the default when you place an order. You can also set them with the Flags dropdown list, in the middle right of the Order Ticket window, above the Sell button.
The four flag options are as follows.
This order stays active until filled or until the trading day ends.
###GTC: Good 'til Canceled.
This order will stay open until you manually close it, even into new trading days. Remember when you use this flag to avoid surprises.
###Fill or Kill:
Designates a trade to be carried out immediately and entirely. If this is not possible, the order will be cancelled, even if some of the order could have been filled by the market.
###Immediate of Cancel:
Similar to Fill or Kill. The difference is that any partially fulfilling the quantity is acceptable. The portion of the order that cannot be filled is then cancelled.
What are order types and how do I select them?
Order Types let you specify details about the price you want to take the trade at. They can be chosen in the middle left of the Order Ticket window, under the Buy button.
The choices are:
This order type is used to buy/sell the asset at whatever price the market currently offers. This is the only order type that you do not need to specify a price.
###M. If Touched
Short form of Market If Touched. This order type lets you buy or sell a Forex asset if the market moves to the price you've specified, like a Limit Order. It is different in that it fills at the price the market offers, even if it doesnt match the exact value of this order. It is not used in Futures trades.
This order type is used to set up an order that will automatically buy at or below the price you specify, or sell at or above the price you specify. The price you get in the trade is guaranteed to be in this range. This order will be shown on the Chart with an X in a circle to close it.
This order type is used to set up an order that will automatically buy at or above the price you specify or sell at or below the price you specify. This will make it a market order, not guaranteeing the price. This order will be shown on the Chart with an X in a circle to close it.
Where do I see my trading history?
To see your trading history, look at the Notifications widget. It will tell you your recent trades and all their details. This includes the date and time, whether it was a sell or buy,the order type such as "Limit", the asset symbol, the price, and the quantity. Another option is to check the Orders widget, and click the Filled Orders or Cancelled Orders tab, to see that information.
What are notifications?
Notifications are notes of your trades. If you open the Notifications widget you will see all your recent notifications. Hovering your mouse over a notification will display a white circle with an X in it, which you can click to close that notification.
Where do I see my pending orders?
Your pending orders are listed under Working Orders, in the Order widget. These will stay active for the duration your flag type specifies (such as Day or GTC).
Orders can also be seen on the Chart widget, with a horizontal colored line at the price of the order. This will come with a tag on the right of the chart, showing the order details: type, sell/buy, quantity, and price.
How do I switch to default Layout?
To switch to the default layout, click Layouts at the top of the platform. This will open they Layouts sidebar. At the top of the sidebar there is an icon made of white squares, that says Default Layout. Simply click this icon and the Layout will be returned to the default.
What Drawing Tools are there?
The Drawing Tools are: Vertical Line, Horizontal Line, Angled Line, Channel, Arrow, Fibonacci, and Box. They have options for color, text labels, and many more for Fibonacci.
How can I draw on the Chart?
To draw on the chart, first click on the Drawing Tools icon on the chart. It is the middle of the three icons on the left, and it looks like a fountain pen. This opens the Drawing Tools menu on the chart. There are two strips of icons when you do this. The first strip on the left starts with the Selection Tool to select drawings you have made. The rest of the strip contains every Drawing Tool, from Vertical Line to Box. Simply click the Drawing tool that you want, and then click on the chart to place it; one click for Line drawings, three for Channel, and two clicks for every other Tool.
The second smaller strip just to the right of that has Color, Text, and Delete Tools, to customize the drawings you make.
How do I delete a drawing on the chart?
To delete a drawing on the chart, open the Drawing Tools menu by clicking the fountain pen icon on the Chart. This will have the Selection Tool active by default, which is the first Tool in the Drawing Tools menu (furthest left and looks like a mouse cursor arrow). Then, click on the drawing you want to remove, which will give it a faint glow. Finally, either press the Delete key on your keyboard or click the far right icon on the second strip of the Drawing Tools menu, which looks like a trash can with an X.
How do I log out?
To log out, click the Log Off icon in the top right of the platform. It will ask if you want to save the current layout, and after answering you will be logged out.
Which browser shall I use with Finamark?
Finamark is optimized for Google Chrome.
Updated 28 days ago