This widget will display the Notifications for all placed/filled trades, across all accounts. Each of these trades, whether places or filled, will display a set of data.
The first thing displayed is the date and time (1) that the order was placed/filled. This is shown in grey text.
Below the date and time, you will see the rest of the details of the trade, in white text. It will show if the trade was a buy or a sell first (2). After that it will tell you the symbol (3) of the asset in the trade. Next, you will see the quantity and price of the trade (4). Finally (5) it will tell you if the trade was placed, filled, or cancelled.
In addition the type of order will be displayed, whenever it is relevant. Examples of these order types are Limit or Market. The order type will be written just after buy or sell, at the start of the line.
Notifications Widget from Finamark Systems on Vimeo.
Updated over 6 years ago