Time and Sales
This widget displays a history of every trade in the market recently.

Time and Sales widget with marked elements
The Time and Sales widget will show you the details of all the latest trades in the market. Unlike the Reconstructed Tape, the information here is not aggregated, each individual trade is displayed on its own.
Information is displayed across five columns in this widget. The text of each row is also color coded. Rows where the price matches the bid has red text. Rows where the price matches the ask has blue text.
This (1) is the first column on the far left of the widget. It display the exact time of the trade, down to a small fraction of a second.
This column (2) displays the price that the trade was executed at.
This column (3) displays the Bid price at the time of the trade.
This column (4) displays the Ask price at the time of the trade.
This column (5) shows the number of contracts in the trade.
At the bottom of the widget you will see the current price data (6-11). It displays 3 columns of information about the current market. The first on the left is the last price (6) in the market. Below that is a percentage change (7) for the price that day, in blue for positive and red for negative. In the middle column is the bid price (8) and the quantity (9) of those bids. In the right column is the ask price (10) and its quantity(11).
Updated about 1 month ago